This morning I thought it might be better to dream of the summer days ahead. To dream of days when I can just listen to the bees buzzing as the scent to lavender fills the air. To dream of summer days once more when the courtyard garden fills with lazy warmth of the sun…

It is those little moments in the day that become our dreams and those little dreams that live on in our memories

. I was thrilled this Christmas to receive a tiny etching with thanks from one of our guest that stayed with us last year. The special little handwritten note thanking us for a precious memories that sparks this blog as thoughts and dreams with memories entwine.

A special memory of mine from this year to dream of once more

One of my favourite shots for this blog last year was of my own shoes kicked off in the soft sand as I settled above the sea with a nice picnic and good book to laze in the sunshine for an hour or two. The little snap holds a perfect memory of a wonderful afternoon’s escape from the everyday routine for me.
Spring dreams and sleeping gardens
Each day now I watch our garden for the early signs of spring as the sun filters across the lawns casting long shadows and reawaken our sleeping garden.

How I treasure those early Narcissus with their promises of the growing season to come and I visit them to chart their progress with a reassurance of the summer days to come.

Sometimes it’s good to dream!
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