Ednovean Farm has been primped and preened for her moment of fame over the last couple of weeks, for her chance to shine in the media. We had a photoshoot here the other week and believe me; no corner went undisturbed in preparation for the event.
The latest photo shoot with just a few tweaks to the kitchen!
To ring the changes in the kitchen from the last shoot and because – well – it really was time – I decided on a new colour for the kitchen cupboards. After an agony of indecision, I decided upon a tin of Farrow and Balls Blue Ground. The tin of paint was duly ordered over the internet and it would arrive by courier on a designated day. What could possibly go wrong? and why was the horse involved in delivering the paint?
Finally the day arrived for the “Paint delivery” for the kitchen…………Still just time to exercise the horses after servicing the rooms perhaps? Well no, as we rode up South road from Goldsithney, a young man in a van stopped us and asked “Did we come from Ednovean Farm as he’d noticed the stables when he called?” “Ooh yes” I said the vision of beautifully painted cupboards flashing before my eyes. “Have you left our paint?” No came the reply there had to be a signature. The vision of my beautiful kitchen started to fade away before me, until the driver kindly said but we could have it now if we liked?
Well double bridle reins went into one hand and I rapidly made a wobbly signature on one of those impossible touch screens thingy’s. After a quick rummage in the back of his van he produce the paint……….except it was cocooned in a huge cardboard box. Danni was little bit surprised at being asked try this new activity of box balancing on the pommel but after one fly leap he settled down to carry his new burden home balanced on the front of his saddle, with my fingers equally firmly jammed into the cross ties. And that is how the kitchen was painted in a new shade of blue with paint carefully carried home by our Spanish stallion Danilon!
Still why stop at the kitchen? The garden room was next in line for a makeover and I sourced some natty charcoal grey cushions to pair with some fresh red and white striped ones in our vintage Habitat wicker chairs (a sale room find)

There is always that awful moment when the hostess has to appear of course and having passed my sixtieth I was quite pleased when the photographer, from his high vantage point on the bank above the car park, suggested strolling up the garden. Well I duly retreated to the very bottom gate only to hear “Where are you Christine?” He’d meant the closest gate of course……. Sigh

I won’t spoil the rest of the surprise for you but I was really pleased with the finished photos – they will probably be not appearing for least six months time – magazines work so far ahead in the meantime you can catch up with Ednovean farm’s appearances in the media over the years on our About us page – just scroll to the bottom. My haven’t we changed over the years – but that is the fun of a home as it grows and develops over time.
Ednovean Farm on TV
We’ve even met the TV people here once, when WDR TV came to film all the way from Germany for a travel program about Cornwall. You’ve no idea how hard it is to pour tea whilst being filmed with a TV camera, let alone think of something to say to the camera “off the cuff” as it were!

Sea salt came to call too

An update on last year’s photo shoot for Homes and Garden’s
In the mean time do you remember my telling you about the Garden Photographer that came to call – well I spotted this preview for the September edition of Homes and Gardens – I wonder whose garden that is?! Look out for the September edition out in August! This is the first time our garden has been in a magazine all on its own and I’m so excited!!

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