Christmas time has arrived once more at Ednovean Farm, along with the long awaited Winter Solstice.

Our Christmas at Ednovean
The arrival of the actual event always comes as a surprise to me of course. Christmas starts as a distant mirage – a sort of “haven’t the shops put the Christmas decorations up early” sort of event and the next!! Boom! We’re gripped by Christmas fever.

The rooted Tree in the hall
Our Christmas has percolated down to a beautiful tree (or two) and candle filled windowsills. I find this a comfortable arrangement without being oppressive and respects the age and beauty of our old home. Our trees represent the century’s old tradition of bringing evergreens into the home to protect the woodland spirits through the darkest, barest days of winter.
This is the rooted Christmas tree in our hall, looking plump and bedecked with clear glass baubles.
And windowsills!
The Christmas trees lend the heady aroma of the forest to our home, whilst on the windowsills candles twinkle and send dancing shadows and light across the almost living granite of the walls.
I also happen to have dropped Santa very large hints that a locally made ST Eval candle would be awesome. I’m pretty sure I’ve spotted a box being delivered!

This years Christmas tree!
Our Christmas tree has turned into a memento of the years that we’ve been married and memory of the Christmas trees that we have shared together. Our tree has gently evolved over time and each year I try to add a new piece to the decorations. Check out last years tree here!
The tree is one thing that I do buy very early – usually in November. Then it can be plunged into a bucket of water to drink rather that languishing in the store!

The Winter Solstice
The Winter Solstice is almost as eagerly anticipated by us now. The short, womb like winter days of daylight now, are but a fleeting passage between the twilight mornings to the enfolding dusk. How we anticipate the return to the warm balmy days of sunshine, sea spray and birdsong!
The furthest days of our past feel closer now in this somnolent, reflective time of year. A time remembered by the ancient mystery of the stones of Cornwall that are so evocative to visit in the deep midwinter.
Throughout the rustic villages ancient rituals are played out now. Penzance has is own recreated event in the Montol festival.
The winter days
These days our horses reluctantly trudge out into their pastures and wait beside the gate long before their bed. No doubt they are anticipating the warm beds and sweet scented hay waiting for them. The cats also enjoy the store of hay and straw in the barn, as a not quite outside activity – before they race us indoors to spend time beside the fire.

From all at Ednovean!
From all at Ednovean Farm! May we wish you all a wonderful, joyous and peaceful Christmas, that’s as merry as you choose and guides you forward ready 2024. Thank you for visiting our website and following Ednovean Farm.
Don’t worry the snowy scene was from 2018!
And as it’s Christmas Eve, my reward this evening is Charles’s famous Christmas cocktail. Apparently I have to guess the contents! Cheers Happy Christmas!

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