A very Happy Easter to you all – although I don’t believe any body is singing “I’m dreaming of a white Easter” at the moment! Strangely, if we were start from a normal place in a normal year it would be unheard of to snow at Easter time, yet this year there is certainly a chance that The Easter of 2018 might be one to remember. And the final piece of evidence to cap it all for me is that Easter Sunday falls on April the first! The traditional jokers day, so who knows what could happen.
So it all started with a Polar Vortex

The weather has certainly been a hot topic of conversation on our Facebook page this week and I’ve just checked the forecast for Penzance at the moment is forecast to be a cosy eight degrees for Sunday rising to almost a mini heat wave of eleven degrees by Monday. But these are extraordinary times as the Polar Vortex is disrupted over the Poles, in turn changing the jet stream to send cold Siberian air towards the UK , so who really knows what might happen.
Easter preparations for our guests as we fight off the Beast

The Easter holiday is always a biggy for Bed and Breakfasts and Hotels each year of course. It’s the first real break since Christmas time and at Ednovean Farm we’ve spent many hours working in the gardens to clear away the debris for the first and second visits of “The Beast from the East” We finally produced some semblance of style and order. The prospect of a third visit before Easter doesn’t bare thinking about. I’ve had plenty of time to recall the saying “Woe, woe and thrice woe” as I wheeled the dead Echiums, alas not to show their stunning flowers this May, to the bonfire this week.

Still looking on the bright side, I’ve always hoped our garden would be full of Daffodils for our guests to enjoy at Easter time and at least this year’s very early Easter has allowed them to shine at last, set along a spring walk with lovely sea views in our gardens. So very different to last years later Easter
Happy Easter!

So a very Happy Easter to you all! May you enjoy time with your loved ones, build a snowman, eat lots of Easter Eggs or taking bracing walk on the beach and maybe, just maybe hum “I’m dreaming of a white Easter!”…..but not too loudly please!
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