Ah the golden spring days are ahead and with them, the gardens renaissance, after the short days of winter. Yet, I feel the contentment that a long anticipated journey again underway in the company of old garden friends. With spring come new ideas for the approaching seasons. So join me in this month’s blog to read about our new Potager project and to hear about a very special garden opening for a local charity.
News from around the Ednovean Farm garden this spring

The looser arrangement of the spring garden helps our garden at Ednovean farm find a sense of place in the wider landscape. Over the years the humble Daffodil has naturalised in the grass to form a perfect partnership in spring time with the Cordyline Avenue

Spring is such exciting times for the garden as fresh zingy growth slowly envelop the foliage each day.

Our spring project – a new potager garden deep in the Italian Garden

Constructing the potager!
This year in the Ednovean Farm garden we have a new project starting with a Potager (or vegetable plot if you prefer) in the far corner of the Italian Garden and Charles has promised a paragraph or two each month to chart our novice progress. You may remember our experiment with a vegetable plot in pots that I charted in A Mediterranean Garden Diary a couple of years ago? It produced an abundance of courgettes and a few willowy Tomatoes for a few memorable suppers of home grown produce. Still onwards and upwards, for a gardener is nothing if not optimistic

- Tantalised planks 200 x 47 x 4.8 @ £13.32 excl vat per length (Mole Valley Farmers)
- Each plank was then divided into thirds as a comfortable dimension for the eye
- Each long side was formed by two thirds of the planks length with the remaining thrid foming the width. Thus now waste!
- Landscaping fabric was laid onthe paths formed prior to spreading gravel
- Finally and ornamental pot was placed as a centre peice

Four new raised beds have been built intersected by geometric paths with a central focal point and well rotted compost is slowly and laboriously being ferried from the distant muck heaps across the lane.

We are starting with “operation rabbit” to exclude our gourmet bunnies from this area of the garden at least. After that Charles has bought a huge selection of seeds…most of which have instructions on the packet. He’s also subscribed to The Kitchen Garden!

I donated my prized half price pot for a centre peice and landscaping fabric has been laid ready for the gravel paths
A potager is a French term for an ornamental vegetable or kitchen garden. The historical design precedent is from the Gardens of the French Renaissance and Baroque Garden à la française eras. Often flowers (edible and non-edible) and herbs are planted with the vegetables to enhance the garden’s beauty.
“Potager garden“
24th May and our Gardens open!*

Finally our most important garden news for this year! Our garden will open for charity on May the 24th as part of the Cornwall Hospice Care 40th anniversary. The gardens are normally dedicated for the use of our Bed and Breakfast guests but for this year, six hospitable guests from Germany and America have agreed to share their garden for this day to help raise funds for charity.

So do pop along if you are in the area and please do say hello if you are a garden diary reader as I’d love to meet you in real time!
Entry will be £5 per person for this very good cause
*The virus outbreak may preclude outdoor events, although by May the cold and flu season us usually over. But at the moment we must wait for government advice.
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