Welcome to my wordpress blog and our fresh new website. The first blog was created by web designer Paula Johnson in July 2014. to replace our HTML site and Blogger Ednovean Diary. (2009)
Our latest website and enlarged blog section has just been redesigend by Sadie Knight of Glass Raven in 2019
2014 and Ednovean Farm transfers to a WordPress
Our old stylish site was in HTML – the fiendish language for the computer and so we hope by switching to the simple(ler!) wordpress format this one might be “Christine” proof enough for me to be able to make minor adjustments myself. With the new wordpress formula I am able to blog directly to you here and so the old blog is in mothballs, for now anyway, unless I dream up a new use for it of course…….
I shall continue with my weekly diary that started in 2009 on Blogger. The Ednovean Diaries about life in a country B&B and tales of life near the sea. With my usual mix of impressions of the seasons, decorative decisions (or indecisions) and gardening progress.
Of course the daily antics of Spud Cat and our horses will always twine themselves through my stories. Check out our Facebook page too. where Spud has his own unofficial fan club!
2019 and the blog has expanded!
These days the Ednovean Diary blog has expanded into seperate interest sections.
With sperate areas for exploring West Cornwall
Extract from the blog the first blog
Autumn is just around the corner as I write so maybe you are planning an autumn break? I’ve added a few special break offers for October to our reservation page, to tempt you here while the weather is still warm and summer whispers yet in the shadows
Have a great weekend!
P.S A quick note to since 2014 I’ve covered quite a few subjects to bring us up to date in 2019!! Check out the Exploring page – now with seperate categories, clearly displayed, to find the subjects that interest you the most!
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