We received a footnote from winter this morning. Well more of a memo really, pointing out that winter can still come to West Cornwall, in spite of our sub tropical climate.
winter garden
Winter days at Ednovean Farm
here something about the stillness of winter days that speaks of rest and renewal. In these darker days we choose a Christmas tree, add logs to the fire, light candles and settle down to the comfort food of our youth.
The ebb and flow of autumn into winter
Autumn has ebbed and flowed through the gardens since we last spoke, borne on the unstoppable tide of winter.
The living garden – the changing season at Ednovean
Winter is turning to spring in the Ednovean Farm gardens now! Each day I treasure the extra minute of daylight, as a cherished gift of spring hopes. And then suddenly as though looking back through a long tunnel, the spring bulbs are shooting up and we have an extra hour or two to relish outside
Winter in the Ednovean Farm garden
Winter is tightening its grip on the garden at Ednovean farm now, yet new spring growth is trying to prise open its waxy fingers.
A walk in our winter garden
Take a walk in our winter garden at Ednovean Farm and enjoy a season when the garden quietly rests, yet the layers of textures in the borders glow on those glorious days of winter sunshine.