As the days shorten into winter now at Ednovean Farm, the changing season brings it’s own magic to the farm. the distant memories and ceremonies rise to the top of our memories and the little perks and treats of the season spring to mind.
Living with the gourmand rabbit – shaping the country garden
The gardens at Ednovean Farm combine both formal and Mediterranean styles within a wildlife friendly garden. Today read about life with the rabbit gourmand
A garden’s journey into 2024
Spring is in the air here in the Ednovean Farm gardens and suddenly, another winter is tentatively morphing into spring.
Summertime in our garden
Suddenly the days lengthened, the courtyard gardens filled with birdsong and our two little bats emerged from their hibernation to flirt with the twilight. Summertime had arrived in our gardens!
Winter and spring in the blink of an eye
Our Ednovean winter has changed from winter to spring in the blink of an eye. Each week has given a new challenge – nevertheless I know the work that we do in the still short days will pay dividends throughout the summer months.
A year in the Ednovean Farm Gardens – 2021
Now seems the perfect time to look back over 2021 in the Ednovean Farm Gardens. It has been a year that has seen some tweaks and changes to the gardens.
Summer dreams and memories
It is those little moments in the day that become our dreams and those little dreams that live on in our memories
Our garden over the years
The gardens at Ednovean Farm started life as an old farmyard a sand school and field. Follow the the metamorphosis to formal courtyards and the sub tropical gardens you see today
A Mediterranean Garden Diary from Cornwall
July brought us a Mediterranean summer that will live in our memories for many years to come and the garden has flourished, revelling in the warmth that stretched into the dusk.
June – the summer solstice garden diary
June 2018 the opening chapter of summer and start of a heatwave. A new chaper in the garden begins and nostalgic memories os family rosses are stirred in this months diary