This October as the fig trees in the courtyard turn to the buttery yellow of autumn, we’ve cleared the spent summer plants and created a new, secret woodland walk.
So join me for the Ednovean farm October garden diary, for a peak at the work that goes on behind the scenes, to prepare the garden for next season.

Autumn clearing
Over one weekend we managed to fill twenty two builders’ bags with debris and pruning’s and reclaim a hidden path in the process.

Autumn clearing in the garden – Echium wars
I should say that autumn is a time in the garden to re-assess the garden. But if I’m honest, it’s a perfect time to make a real mess now that we are less busy with the B&B!

This autumn we finally removed the last of this years Echium flowers. For alas the flamboyant sub tropical Echium will take two to three years coming into bloom and then die leaving only the tall elegant husk..and a lot of leaves! But we now have a new thriving colony ready for the spring and an even bigger bonfire. And the Palms can finally breathe again.

Garden paths
Recently I’ve been focussed on the pathways around our garden and the journeys they lead our guests to take. We’ve even managed to add another area to explore!
Little details, such as the plants that line a path help to build up the atmosphere in the garden. Yet they can be passed with barely a glance.

Reclaiming a forgotten path!
Charles’s new chain saw collection has come into its own! After much raking and debating, we now have a broad serviceable path beyond the lawn once more. A special secret path to start another garden journey.

The path has assumed its own woodland atmosphere whilst it has been brooding out of sight.
So I’ve added to this, searching the gravel in the courtyard for self seeded fox gloves and ferns. Finally I’ve added two nets of spring daffodils, plus crocus and snowdrops, before mulching with composted bark. I hope this will lead to a new spring journey up into the shelter belt. Plus of course, the satisfaction of discovering a secret, half hidden spot, within the garden.

Pots and planters
Our garden started in the old farmyard around the house. This is an area cut deep into the hillside for shelter over the centuries but alas without an ounce of topsoil. This has led to a lifetime of love for terracotta pots that I can never quite resist adding too.
I was so please to spot this lovely old pot on Facebook’s Marketplace this week – perfect for spring bulbs (Top tip set a notification!) And elegant on the edge of the Blue bedroom’s terrace.

So as you know, I’m cutting back on the pot collection ……. I’ve only added five this month! Each is now filled them with bright tulips ready for the spring in shades of burgundy and orange.
Each little project has been an investment of hope for the coming year in these difficult times.
Meanwhile, stay safe and we hope to see you for your holidays once again, exploring our gardens at Ednovean Farm.

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