We are approaching autumn in our gardens at Ednovean farm now and slowly I’ve noticed the changes in the season as autumn approaches as I’ve watched the birds twist and curl above the garden in a tightly grouped flock with the swift sure movements that are part of the unchanging rhythm of the seasons. Just as surely as I occasionally hear the sound of the sea drifting over the garden with just a little more insistence, or watch Spud with soft white paws treading the golden leaves of autumn that flutter on the lane, as he returns from important cat business abroad. I know each day the signs grow larger that mark the autumn days that lay ahead of us and yet the garden is still full of promise as the flourishing grasses bring an unexpected tawny-red glow to the borders.
News from the garden
This month, the garden has grown still lusher, welcoming the light rains that have fallen so far and sending up a final flourish of bright Miscanthus grasses and Sedums to finish its season.Message
We’ve still found warm sheltered corners to dream away an afternoon and soak up the sunshine as the Indian summer we’ve all so enjoyed has slowly slipped away.

The half circles that we cut in the hedges in the Italian Garden have showcased the dramatic Miscanthus grasses perfectly this year, framing the bright russet red blooms as they emerged and then slowly faded as the month goes on to a more gentile tawny fawn.
Our pampas grasses of course so at home in our garden near the sea; tall and stately, they will entertain us with their swaying plumes through the autumn before defy the winds from the winter storms that have yet to come. And in the spring? They will make carefully concealed “des-res” for a nesting bird among the jumbled seed heads their final task in the course of the seasons. I hope you enjoy this month photos of the garden at Ednovean Farm if you would like to follow the garden diary through earlier months here’s a selection from the seasons
To catch up with the latest news of Ednovean Farm’s garden throughout 2017 why not try my garden diary roundup for this year
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