May and June have sped passed and the Ednovean Farm garden has met the cusp of summer before I almost noticed the passing of time. We’ve been so busy with the Bed and Breakfast this year that I hardly noticed the approach of the longest day – maybe it was the week that I spent glued to the Chelsea flower show, veraciously examining the designs of the show gardens that led me to miss my garden update last month for May.
In this month’s update I’ll show you around the formal gardens softened with wild flowers and share some photos of my favourite garden flowers as the heady days of summer finally approach.

Of course, as the days lengthened, I’ve spent some weeks dragging the hose around in the evenings when we’ve had a drought, to help my pots along the way that live in the more formal courtyard gardens. Here there is very little topsoil but the old farmyard has lent itself perfectly to the terraces and parterres framed with the flamboyant Date Palms and box, over the years and I’ve amassed quite a selection of terracotta pots to soften the design and frame the edges of the courtyards.
The sundial Garden

This month I’ve enjoyed watching the small intimate sundial garden behind the house that the Apricot bedroom terrace looks down through. I bought the sundial to celebrate our third wedding anniversary, oh so many years ago and gradually added the garden around it using the left over box plants from planting the main parterre in the courtyard. I filled one side of the box lined beds with fragrant lavender and the other tucked more in the shade of the bank is filled with ebullient wild flowers simple foxgloves Valerian that thrive in the Cornish countryside.
Charles has been busy mowing the lawns in the eternal battle to control the sword that reaches its peak about now and even the rabbits are looking lazy and fat as they gorge on the soft fresh growth!
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