July brought us a Mediterranean summer that will live in our memories for many years to come and the garden has flourished, revelling in the warmth that stretched into the dusk.
The garden produced the vibrant, hot colours of summer in step with the weather and the warm dry air held the very scent of the Mediterranean from the herbs, Fennel and Lavenders.
July’s heat wave gave us a taste of life in the Mediterranean in the Garden
Some days were just too hot to even think of working in the gardens at Ednovean Farm and then we walked down to a local cove to find the cooling sea breezes and swim before returning to perform the nightly ritual of watering the pots.
Sizzling colours and Palm trees for this July’s photo album
The sizzling colours of the summer flowers matched our days exactly –gone were the discrete ordered displays of early summer to be replaced by rampant, exuberant, “vulgar, vulgar, vulgar” and you’ve got to love this impetuous season for that too.
Finding shady corners in the garden suddenly became important in the heatwave this July
This summer it was certainly a time to think about finding the shady corners in the garden, as well as the much loved “heat traps” that give us a delightful taste of early summer days to savour.
July the constant Summer
Each day dawned with clear blue skies and each day the temperature gauge climbed to dizzying heights – what a summer we had until we had almost forgotten what a Cornish summer should feel like.
The scent of summer
The scents that filled our garden this summer came from the Fennel, Rosemary and Lavenders and the lawn retired from view, crisp and hay like underfoot and the lawn mower took a well earned rest for a few weeks.
The Vegetable plot
Our potted vegetable garden has kept us interested this year, supplying a never ending stream of courgettes. There is something very satisfying in picking a glossy healthy vegetable ready to cook for supper!
The return of the scent of the sea
Finally as July drew to a close, a wisp of mist appeared and the scent of the sea returned to the air. The winds turned once more to our cornish garden. You know, in a strange way I found had missed the changing weather and the salty scent of the sea!
There was a half forgotten joy in leaving the first trail of footprints in the dew again after the dry arid days but what a memory we have for our summer Garden Diary of a taste of life in the Med!
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